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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Celebrate Earth Day: Fat woman in Prius torments a family in a pickup truck… Update: What a coincidence, Earth Day the same as Vladimir Lenin's birthday!


  1. That lady wouldn't last 5 seconds here in any urban parking lot, let alone on the street. Fact is, she just convinced me to buy one of those Kimber pepper spray devices to keep in the truck. Good for obnoxious nosy people who pollute one's space and run their mouths with that "don't touch me" crap after they come up on you.

  2. 420 day and Hitler's birthday...coincidence?

    TOM is joking, right?

    In case he's not, the actual reason Earth Day is 4/22 is that it coincided with Arbor Day, which has since been moved a couple of days.

    1. I think it is a joke, but there is a weird connection between greeners being into Communism-Lefties nonsense (or at least knee jerk anti Capitalist) and Communists being the worse environmental offenders out there.


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